Vs. 1-4 I love verses 1-4 because Paul is so blunt. There's no beating around the bush here. The Corinthians aren't growing spiritually, and that is a huge concern to Paul. He tells them they are behaving like mere men. Mere men! In contrast to what? To men and women who are filled and overflowing with the Holy Spirit!! The Holy Spirit transforms us from mere men and women, to men and women who have access to the very throne of God, the very power of God, who can do anything through Christ (Philippians 4:13). But, when we choose to act in our flesh, and not in the spirit, we lack the power of God, and we are just the same as the person who is spiritually dead. Paul refers to this state of being as "carnal." The Corinthians had envy, strife and divisions among them. Again, these characteristics all lack unity, and therefore, make the church ineffective. As I mentioned in a previous post, Christian unity is important because it reflects the glory and beauty of Jesus. The exhortation the Lord gave me as I read these verses was Don't give up the power of Christ for the wretched trash heap of the world. When we obey Christ and walk with Him, we are empowered, and we have what we ask, when we ask it in Jesus' name. (John 14:13-14)

Vs. 5-8 In these verses Paul makes a point to bring glory to the Lord, and away from himself. He explains that Christian workers are really nothing because God is the One doing the work. He brings the increase, and we are helpless to save. We should not glorify teachers, evangelists, etc., because they are of one spirit - that is, the spirit of God working in them.

Vs. 9 Here we are taught that we are God's fellow workers. God allows us and invites us to be a part of the work He is doing, but ultimately it is His work, not ours. That is why it is vital that we pray and seek His wisdom and direction when we minister. We need to be following His lead.

Vs. 10-15 Paul explains here that it is important that when we minister, the foundation must be Jesus, and ONLY Jesus. A church, a believer, is grown on a relationship with Jesus. Not on a methodology, a trend or a philosophy. If we try to build a foundation other than Jesus, it is worthless, and it will be judged as worthless by God. God will not be fooled or mocked, and the person who lays a foundation other than Jesus will suffer loss, as verse 15 says. I believe this loss refers to a loss of spiritual treasures in Heaven. Not a loss of what you already have, but of what you could have had. However, this is my opinion, I haven't researched it yet, so don't take my word for it.

Vs. 16-17 Paul speaks of believers as God's dwelling place, or the "temple of God." However, these verses don't talk about us keeping ourselves undefiled, but rather, is a warning to others not to defile a believer. God takes it seriously when someone mistreats His child, and God will judge that person accordingly.
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